Cut-Resistant Underwear for Alpine Skiers

Anti-Cut Underwear. A Game-Changer in Skiers' Protection.
Alpine skiing is an injury-prone sport – everyone knows that. Almost every day on the slopes we witness accidents, the consequences of which vary – from minor sprains to serious injuries. Observing skiers in recent years, there is a clear increase in awareness of potential risks. More and more people are wearing helmets. Significant attention is also being paid to high-quality bindings and their proper setup. Customers are willing to pay extra for more expensive solutions, such as X-Cell Piston (Marker) or Protector (Tyrolia), whose innovative technologies aim to ensure more effective release of skis during a fall. This is definitely the right path to enhance our safety. However, do we realize how severe the consequences of falls can be and how dangerous skis are?
Ski instructors are among the very skilled skiers, moving at high speeds on well-prepared and sharpened equipment. Returning to the question posed, do we have any control over what happens to skis during a fall if they release? Do we have any guarantee that we won’t come into contact with them? The answer is obvious; we have no influence over that. A significant portion of injuries is caused by cuts from ski edges, which cannot be controlled during a fall. The higher the speed and sharper the skis, the more serious the consequences of potential contact between the edge and the body. In some situations, nothing happens, and the skier walks away from the incident unscathed. On the other hand, a serious injury caused by a cut can lead to a multi-month break from all activities or even worse long-term consequences. The area requiring the most protection is the legs due to the arteries in the thighs. Hence, the idea of creating anti-cut underwear (cut-resistant) was born, which is significantly capable of preventing cuts from ski edges. Leading brands in this segment are Energiapura and Diston. The initiative to create anti-cut underwear came from FIS, which certifies products according to the highest standards. The underwear can receive a rating from 1 to 5 stars depending on the level of protection offered. In the 2025/26 season, the anti-cut layer will become mandatory for alpine skiers participating in higher-level competitions. Even now, it can be observed that top skiers from the World Cup are using this type of clothing. Examples include Lucas Braathen and Atelie McGrath, who sport characteristic white neck gaiters. This is also part of the cut-resistant layer that protects the carotid artery.
Ski instructors are a group that, right after the competitors, should be the first to consider the anti-cut layer. Many trainers head to glaciers in the fall for preseason training. During the season, they train on gates or lead advanced sports groups. A serious cut can eliminate an instructor for an entire season, which means a lack of income during the winter. Trainers at clubs should also pay attention to anti-cut clothing. They know that children often ski beyond their limits and abilities due to a lack of awareness of risks. Trainers should inform parents that products are hitting the market that significantly raise the safety standard.
Pants or shirts made of anti-cut fabric do not restrict movement, are elastic, breathable, and can be used as an additional layer or instead of thermal underwear. Products from Energiapura and Diston fall under the Race Program, allowing instructors to purchase them at a special discount. You can find all available products by clicking on this link.